The Archipel of Wonder
In an age where nobody seems to ask the right questions. The relapse of worry is a questionable sin. From getting overworked to continually discussing each other's behaviours. The wonder of our time has come to a certain end. Instead of questioning idea’s and doctrines, we are questioning whether or not somebody is eligible to be our friend or if we are actually in good company.
The hours have never seemed so dark in some ways because we gazing away at our watches and are in a turbulent cycle of stress. In which we cannot turn to the side of a breath our mind is constantly busy with the issues that are not there. Just in our imagined imagination as Seneca said. There is enough time in a day, yet we create obstacles to make sure we have the feeling of used time. That we made something for ourselves. That we took chances and tried to be better and maybe a different scale.
Scaling our happiness there must be an app for that. We are becoming indifferent to the idea of what we are. The question of what could be us, what we can actively change in our behaviour and as our habits evolve we see that movement change with them. Empowering messages such as over the radio, these are times that are over. On the other hand, now we have a dozen podcasts all types of influencers and a bunch of idiot’s shouting out narratives that only work for the day.
The only movement that seems to be ruled out on the good side seems to be the climate. A movement that shows it is about giving children free from school. An idolatry belief instantly with many people that it is absurd these kids miss the curriculum. Then there is the climate activist that just want to call out everyone on their nonsense. Cause where is the sense in changing the climate when you are not changing yourself. We live in a day and age where people will do anything to get hooked or to create a typo. To show that they “care” only to see seconds later that there at the local pub to drown themselves in there ever-ongoing self-isolation. I used to think I was lonely then I got to understand through nature through solitude through silence. That there is no such thing. When you stand below the trees you see the magnitude of our lives.
The grandeur in which we live is imagined and couldn’t be more far fetched and far away from the truth. We live in a cycle that has not even begun, yet we believe it is the way to live. Right at this moment, you start to realise that we idolise the wrong movement. If we live with the pace of nature there will come peace with it. Because we will live and would live in silence. Could we argue that the reason that there is a depressing cloud hanging above our heads is because of all the noise? Then I would argue that we're getting close to a point being made.
Our lives involve a certain Je ne cai quoi on the Archipel of wonder. Whereas we could create a sustainable school, and sustainable houses and instant momentum were busy arguing how we can afford this effort. The simple yet sophisticated answer is that is with silence. By agreeing that it should happen now, no official statements no critiques on the side of how we could manage all this. Just a simple yes. But we would need to pay for it, because how else is the political party going to profit from all this carbon-free, oxidated clean air. With houses with only solar power and warm water boilers no gas no-fuss nothing that could create any more sewage water.
There is a certain nothingness to all that is being said. That is to say that we have come to say so much that we actually forget where we talked about. Our issues have to deal with the arguments we make for them. Creating an inevitable cycle of nothingness. Meaning that we are not fixing anything. Just staying with the same sticky problems.
So now we have arrived at a time where media is mismanaging information and people are the scarecrows of themselves. Our avalanche is the iceberg we choose to ignore. We have become bored with colour’s and want the rainbow every day every minute and choose to hunt down every boring minute of every day. Our imbalance has to deal with our incompetence our constant reality obscurity and obscenity our lives are filled with scenery after scenery. Yet we do not know what the end of our own film will be.
Were washing away at the time, ready for a next glimpse into the future. To see if we will make it to create yet another catastrophe of our own creating. A new universe will arise out of the ash of monsters that showed that the sky knows no gods. But has us idolising the perpetrator of time. Those who own time own the universe.
Yet when time is here we use it poorly. The poor man is he who doesn’t realise is power like atlas holding the earth on his back. Our increased over stimulus is a result of our inadequate sensibility over ourselves. So the time will come where we see the children run for the stores just to be crying 5 minutes later because all their clothes will look stale compared to what it was 10 minutes before.
The plague of our times is that we do not realise we should make connections to those who are around us. Cause it seems that the oligarchy is growing stronger with each day. Due to our blindness to not see that we are truly gifted.
Given a time where we can evolve our consciousness to the next-gen. That the game is to create a strong foundation in a circulating comfort bubble. A pale horse called death is what stands in our way. Overcome yourself and you can overcome anything. The time to become stoic has never been more present. Seize the day, carpe diem. Never look back.
Your body is your church and we should never abandon it.