The Inferior Man Has Doubt
“There is also a third kind of madness, which is possession by the Muses, enters into a delicate and virgin soul, and there inspiring frenzy, awakens lyric….But he, who, not being inspired and having no touch of madness in his soul, comes to the door and thinks he will get into the temple by the help of art — he, I say, and his poetry are not admitted; the sane man is nowhere at all when he enters into rivalry with the madman.”
― Plato, Phaedox
Beyond evil, we can recognise the fragility of a man's heart. Doubt is the syndrome before fear, it is a kind of halt in the system. The mind telling us that it’s maybe not the decision. What if this doubt causes us to make the many mistakes and misguide our direction to the fruitless path into nothingness and eventually fear.
We are guided for an immortal road of belief, relief and discovery. We are the smartest animals and yet have the most flaws in our system. A certain form of despair in our chemistry leading to a very ill behaviour system. Repeat and sleep. Do we ever consider the moment? Do we really realise what life is that is given to us and bread for us?
Is there a mister understanding in what we are here to do, other then the govern over each other in inferiority. Is there a place we call home, a place that is home but does not realise it yet. The place where we are at even though we are being told there is more in the game. More when the gates come flooding in. It creates circumstances where people have become full of doubt. Because we do not know what the direction is the next week.
What if I were to suggest there is nothing to be gained. Not in the dull or the movement of life sense. But more than our pursuit has never been the play we are performing for the moment. What if nature is teaching us a lesson, we’ve again avoided for so many decades because we feel the need to make a better tomorrow. But for who, for what. Is there a reason that we are all striving for the same tomorrow, yet nobody knows on the entire planet. What this is.
In the matrix, Neo is given a choice. I am not talking about the pills, is the choice between colour the more meaningful thing in the movie, every analyst has forgotten to look at. Because choice is a very powerful tool. It is the reason, we probably started a fire, started hunting started creating. Because it relies on choice. The choice to create a better moment. The colours tell us that we see colour, but also that two different colours evoke different emotion, The colour red stands for warmth for fire, the colour blue stands for water, the sky, maybe sadness. So what if we take the red pill does our choice become, we will live better and see beyond evil. Or would it have not mattered if we took the blue pill and would have gone on?
Is there a difference when we ourselves are not in power. That is where most of these scenarios lay their hands on. Is the choice of our own making, or is there someone else designing all this. Are we handling our own life, or is our life being handled by someone? In the Truman Show, they take this idea the furthest. By creating a reality and show around a man. A man that goes about his life, but when we delve into the show, we see that all the pieces together are orchestrated. They are made, put into place. In what sense does he choose his direction, does he go to work because he wants to. Or are people watching him and the show because they crave to see someone really trying there hardest to be better.
Is this the issue with social media. Is everyone trying to prove to all their friends they have taken the right path in life? That they make the right choice, the right food, the right people, the right school and so on. There never seems to come and be an end in this material scape. Everything seems to be planned out and mapped out for us. The rich have all the money and the poor will suffer, because they have to. Because it has been decided there is this polarity, where some people are lucky and others just kick the bucket. Maybe even before a certain time.
It is hard to see beyond the veil, beyond the evil. Nature is evil, animals eat each other and seem to be having the same quest. A quest for survival. Is that what we are faced with. The quest to survive. The choice to make the right move. In the right direction in the right path. Or does none of it exist and are we at and endgame. Where all these theories will clash and evaporate into the air.
Where nothing makes sense anymore. And we will eventually kill each other. Out of greed.
The hunger to strife, to survive to escape to a better place another place. A place we desperately want to call home. Yet we are here we are faced with the circumstances. But we do not seem to see the change. And instead, want to let the inferior rule over us with doubt. Because what better to make people race, then to fill them with doubt over their own choices.