That we will have to watch out for another. For what we have become, and what will be left for none.
Will the books survive, the tragedy and death of wisdom. The wise have left the room it seems, and are replaced by the irony of validation. Truth has gotten itself a label, that is taking place in the shadow of the sun.
Have we forgotten were the mountains where build on, on what grounds we found the morals and rules for the virtues we ruled in place.
A court has become flawed by the makers of a newfound judicial system. Governed by a maker that nobody is allowed to ask questions.
Yet we value nothing more than the answer. And try hard to hold our allies in an abandoned state because we have become afraid the other one will shoot us in the back.
Have the saints gone, because no one believes this stupid lie anymore, then they believe their own life? Has our moral compass become about showing up, instead of showing off what we are capable of. Are we creating an infrastructure of adults wanting constant confirmation for their actions? Love being the constant word in the flood. Because nobody can smile at themselves anymore. Because we have become too worried, that the state in which we want to prove to be in, is a lost cause for the world that has been stated. Before we create a new word, write a new book on all the principles needed to be followed by the children. We cannot have another fight about what happened the other day. Under the moral guise of the system. We don’t need no education. We need salvation. From a fruitless street, that paralysis our body before our eyes have even seen who is on it.
Can we distinguish the true nature of our compelled behaviour towards each other. Or is the monopoly becoming about deserving the money, which we worked for with blood on our hands.
Hands that were sewn together by the teachers, now hanging out at the local bar laughing at each other hating their own guts, for destroying the idea of books and intelligence. You shouldn’t judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree. Yet the tree has grown so tall, nobody is trying to reach for the sky. Because the hands are cut, before any attempt is being made. To restore hope in what is becoming the future.
Will the children become segregated from their parents, cause the effect is that social distancing is the new norm. And normal is dressed in a mouthpiece with the eyes and ears closed. As long as we can’t see and hear, there is no problem. At any given time the poor man will scream. The streams will have run dry because profit is the extermination of youth and not the saving of their laughs. The saints have gone, and that is something we knew all along.